About Admiral Jon

Age:  22 - right now at least
Height:  5'10"
Girlfriend: I'm Available... :)
Friends: Erin, Mandie, Joy (late), Melissa (later), Joe, Joe (Wesley), Ben, Sharon, Mike, and many others.
Hobbies and Interests:  model rockets; cross stitch; science fiction books; space; computers.
College:  Cedarville University
College Major:  Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 3.45
Current Year: Senior, 1st year (Yeah for 5 year engineers!)
Dream Vacation: Moon (after they have a hotel, of course)
Realistic Dream Vacation: Anywhere where there is beautiful scenery.
Dream Honeymoon: Anywhere that is quiet, private, and secluded.
Dream Job: Flying corporate jets.
Realistic Dream Job: Aeronautic/Aerospace engineering
Current Primary Job: Student Network Technician
Instruments: Trumpet, guitar
Music Styles: Rock, Jazz, Classical, Light Punk, Light Rock - basically I'll listen to anything that isn't Rap, Country, or that has screaming vocalists
Genres: Sci-fi, LOTR (and limited types of fantasy), action, adventure
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