Mental Training

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Batters Box is offering a course for the serious minded coaches and High School players seeking to improve his/her performance though planned motivation.  Motivaton is the "fuel" that enhances one's performance.

The program consists of six 90 minute sessions covering:

Mission Statement

Goal setting

Relaxation and concentration

Affirmations and self-talk

Mental recall

Mental rehearsal and visualization


Peak performance is not about being perfect, it's about adjusting and compensating.  The purpose of practicing your mental skills is to remove the obstacles that an athlete puts in his/her own way.  Confidence and mental toughness are built one day at a time. Our mission statement is to provide athletes with the knowledge and focus towards the continuous and relentless commitment to improve.  This we call the MENTAL EDGE.

                            CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT

                                Cost of the program is $150.00

                                        For more information 856-691-5622

                                        For a registration form:  Registration